by hand

Hand-drawn sketches play a central role in our work. Particularly in this era of sheer infinite digital capabilities, they enable a different, more haptic approach to an architectural idea.

With a few pencil strokes, we follow our idea – tentatively and questingly on the patient sheet of paper, trying to capture it, explore and comprehend it, and then perhaps reject it, reflect critically on it, or pursue it further.

Axonometrie zweiseitig
detaillierte Fassadenskizze
Hochhaus Zug
Zitat Kehlmann
"When you write (draw) by hand, you feel most like a writer (an architect).""Das Buch wird bleiben" (There will always be books), interview with Daniel Kehlmann, NZZ, 3 October 2018.
Felix Platter Areal
Gewobag- Park
HAZ Fassade
Felix Platter und Gewobag

Ideally, the hand-drawn sketches bring an architectural idea to the point. Sketches are important steps in the design process and they are like rings being tied ever tighter and tighter around the still blurred, future building. Their relevance cannot be valued highly enough.

Besides, sketching is feasible at any hour and in any location – and the best ideas usually come to you, as you know, when you don't expect them at all: in a meeting, while travelling, dozing off or preparing food.

Entwicklung Areal Gurzelen
Elefant und farbige Skizze
Skizze Möbel
Axonometrie Gonzalo
Skizze Axonometrie
Fassaden Blau
Skizze Gurzelen
Skizze farbig + innenraum
HAZ Fassadenstudie
Aarau und Gewobag
Skizze Innenraum farbig
Ansicht Einstellhalle Geistlich
Skizze Vordach